My name is Zuhal Kanar Yeamans and I am the artist behind all of the images you see here. I grew up as the talented artist in my classes as school, and worked on it from time to time at home as I aged. As fate had it, I turned out to be a history teacher after college, a role I held for more than a decade. Life was full and I grew in the role, but art was very much on the back burner, with long hours planning lessons, grading papers, all the other different hats that teachers wear. Around the time I married my husband, I started reengaging with art, painting fanciful seascapes and working in multimedia. After the birth of my daughter, Deniz, I began to make a larger and larger space in my life for art, and things accelerated to the point that I was able to start selling small original watercolors online. As my shop became busier, I began to expand and refine my range, and have since specialized in nursery animal art, mostly painted in watercolor. I added pillows and onesies a few years ago, with my sister getting involved in the business as well. My husband, David, is my primary printer and shipping agent, with my daughter lending a hand in small ways in the office. My biggest supporter, however, may very well be my little Goldendoodle, Ozzy, who looks for a chance to give me kisses or ask for treats at every opportunity.